When most people think of a septic tank it’s out of sight out of mind right. Well that can lead to way bigger problems than any homeowner could ever imagine. If your tank has not been pumped and serviced you could be spelling disaster without even knowing it. Also for anybody buying a home or selling a home if you haven’t had your system checked by a licensed professional you are leaving a gray area that can potentially reveal itself in a very unpleasant way at the worst time. So how can you help prevent a sudden clog when you least expect it and lengthen the longevity of your field lines. That’s easy by maintaining your septic tank
What is septic tank maintenance
Septic tank maintenance refers to the service of having your tank pumped and cleaned out regularly on a consistent schedule. Following proper septic tank maintenance schedules you protect your home from water damage due to a clogged line going into the tank, the field lines leaving your tank, a last minute clog on a Sunday, and the environment itself. To learn more on this and other topics visit the EPA here. Also to learn about how a system works go here.
What does the state recommend?
The state of Tennessee recommends homeowners to have a septic professional pump their tank every 3 to 5 years. Thats sufficient for most single family dwellings but can be affected by several factors. Does your kitchen have a garbage disposal? Do you entertain a lot of guests or family that are frequently in your home? Have you let a lot of grease go down the sink? Sanitary wipes, baby wipes, or cleaning wipes being flushed? If your tank never got serviced after the house was built? Those are just some factors that can drastically change your pumping schedule requiring sooner than normal maintenance.
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