When buying a property that operates using a septic system there are a few concerns. A septic system inspection will cover them. There needs to be confirmation that the septic system is fully functioning and intact. Its good to know where your septic tank and field lines are located. That way you can help protect it from heavy traffic with vehicles or tractors. Also for future building projects like decks and patios. You don’t want any of those on your septic system.
Speaking of decks and patios thats another reason to have a professional septic inspection completed. Many times the previous homeowners or in some cases general contractors add a deck or patio to a house. Not taking in to account the septic tank or field lines. Also thinking it will never need to be accessed but that is completely wrong.
A homeowner should have their septic tank pumped every 3 to 5 years with 2 people in the home. With that being said some things can drastically change the frequency that your septic tank needs to be pumped. Those can include letting grease go down drains. Flushing any kind of wipe personal hygiene wipes or cleaning wipes. Both never break down its the same as flushing a linen rag.
Do you have a garbage disposal or do you have a lot of guests or family staying with you. Having the seller provide the documents where the septic system was pumped. If it hasn’t been then that needs to be addressed. To learn more about septic tank maintenance click here. To find more info about septic systems click here.
Home Inspections
When you have a home inspection done that inspector don’t take the septic system into account. They never dig up the access lids and actually check the life of a homes septic system. To have an idea of how the system has been functioning you dig up the access lids. An perform a Septic System Inspection. That never gets done and they usually don’t even know where the tank is.
Don’t get stuck with a failing septic system
When a professional like us performs a Septic System Inspection it takes the guessing out of a septic system. Its better to find out that the septic system needs attention before the house is sold. That way both parties can work together to come to an agreement that works out for both parties. Don’t get stuck with a failing septic system.
A septic tank that is under your deck, or your out building, or even the home itself. Yeah that can happen too I’ve seen a septic tank under a living room in a house. An old homestead was torn down and that house got built right over top of the septic tank. They just connected to it and built the house on top of it. In the future it had to be serviced through the living room floor now imagine that not very appealing.
So avoid any of that and have England Septic come inspect a septic system for you.